Do you feel a little chubby in your stomach, thighs and hips? Know that to lose weight easily and quickly, you don’t have to pay the high price, because there are natural tricks. Our grandmothers didn’t just give us tips to clean naturally, they also have natural remedies to lose weight, and it works. In order to help you get the perfect figure, discover this top 10 of grandmother’s slimming tips right away. You may also be interested in Losing weight in good health with the Mediterranean diet.
Top 10 of grandmother’s 100% natural remedies for slimming

Glass of lemon water on an empty stomach.

Stimulating and refreshing, lemon water in the morning is certainly one of grandmothers’ best known tricks for losing excess weight. For this remedy, prepare a large glass of water with the juice of half a lemon, and drink it on an empty stomach. It is important to know that lemon has fat-burning, detoxifying and appetite suppressant properties, and this is what will allow your body to detoxify itself. This citrus fruit, whether yellow or green, is rich in iron, copper and vitamin C. As for water, it will hydrate your body, and it will help it to evacuate toxins. However, do not abuse lemon water to avoid damaging your stomach and causing kidney problems.

Warm water

Whether hot or lukewarm, water, because of its purifying effect, is perfect for getting rid of your extra pounds. Of course, it doesn’t make you slim, but it will help you in your process. Just bring the water to a boil for 3 minutes, and drink hot, not boiling, when you wake up to facilitate the gastrointestinal wash and release toxins into your body. Choose tap, mineral or spring water, but avoid carbonated water because of its high salt content. Also, it helps the stomach expand. So remember to drink one and a half or two litres of water a day, especially if you are currently on a high diet or as part of a dietary rebalancing programme.

Water for cooking artichokes

In order to lose weight, artichoke is excellent, especially its juice. Although the smell is a bit confusing because it is bitter and strong, this vegetable helps to stimulate the evacuation of toxins, cleanse the liver and fight water retention. So it’s a very good diuretic. So when you make artichoke dishes, don’t throw away the cooking water. To accentuate weight loss, drink it, and your silhouette will thank you. You’ll have lighter legs, and on top of that, you’ll be in better shape.

Yerba mate

Yerba Maté is a plant native to Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. It is rich in caffeine, which is why it is popular as a weight loss aid. Indeed, Yerba Maté stimulates fat burning and the body, without the undesirable effects of coffee, including sleep problems and nervousness. But this plant also increases the feeling of satiety in a lasting way. To do the trick, take a cup, pour boiling water into it, and add 1.5 g to 2 g of dried maté leaves. Then let it infuse for about ten minutes before filtering. “You can drink up to 3 cups a day for it to be really effective.”

Green tea

Green tea contains catechins and caffeine, and this is what helps in weight loss. As part of a slimming diet, this plant has everything to help you control your weight since it simplifies digestion while draining the liver and promoting the conversion of fats stored in the body into energy. But green tea also has an appetite suppressant effect. For this slimming recipe, take a bowl or cup and pour boiling water into it before adding a tablespoon of dried green tea leaves. Leave to infuse for 3 minutes, and drink this preparation 3 times a day. Otherwise, take an infusion of orthosiphon or java tea. It is a natural drainer facilitating weight loss and body evacuation functions.

Nettle tea

For you who are looking to lose weight naturally, you can prepare this diuretic, detoxifying and depurative infusion. To do this, take hot water and add a few nettle leaves. It’s an effective trick since, in addition to having beneficial effects on water retention, it also helps your body to evacuate toxins and cleanse your spleen and liver. Also note that nettle is effective against cellulite. In case of a swollen belly or difficult digestion, you can also try cumin tea. A flat stomach is guaranteed, as this herbal tea reduces flatulence and bloating.

Ginger tea

Ginger infusion is known to all for losing weight, and it is an ancient tradition that comes to us from the East. Whether hot or cold, this herbal tea relieves the appetite while giving energy. For this trick, cut a peeled ginger into pieces, about 3 cm, and cut the pieces into thin strips. Afterwards, place these in a tea pot or teapot and pour the simmering water. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes. The longer you let it brew, the spicier the ginger will be. Then strain and drink throughout the day. Pilosella tea is also excellent for weight loss because of its powerful diuretic effect just like fennel tea, especially if you suffer from water retention and poor digestion.

Cinnamon herbal tea

Cinnamon has many benefits for diabetes, but its effectiveness in weight loss is still unknown. Cinnamon has appetite-suppressant and fat-burning properties, especially when you feel the urge to eat sweet foods. To take advantage of the slimming properties of cinnamon, take a cup, pour boiling water in it before adding a tablespoon of cinnamon sticks. Wait for it to infuse for at least ten minutes before drinking. To promote weight loss, drink this cinnamon tea on an empty stomach, then between meals: at 10 a.m. and between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Don’t hesitate to try the thyme herbal tea as well, as it can spoil your appetite and help you assimilate your meals.

The chilli drink

For this natural slimming remedy, take a bottle, and pour in a ¼ litre of lukewarm mineral water, 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of maple syrup or honey and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Shake well, and drink about ten times a day. This is a very effective trick to lose weight quickly. Nevertheless, it can cause stomach aches and dizziness, the best thing to do before adopting it is to consult a doctor. Ideally, you should be in good health. You also have the possibility to add pepper to your plate, this condiment participates in the combustion of fats.

Cider vinegar

Do you really want to lose weight? (see the good reasons to use cider vinegar) Go for the traditional cider vinegar made by artisan vinegar makers, but not the industrial cider vinegar. In addition to contributing to your well-being, it also erases intestinal disorders such as gas, constipation, spasms… while destroying fat and promoting slimming. Diluted or not, cider vinegar also brings a feeling of satiety. So, to help you lose your excess weight, take a teaspoonful of cider vinegar before each meal. To eat less, eat an apple regularly, do this about fifteen minutes before the meal. This fruit is rich in soluble fibre for an immediate appetite suppressant effect.

Good to know

Did you know that brushing your teeth helps you lose weight? In fact, by brushing your teeth after each meal, you will get rid of the taste of food in your mouth, and you won’t feel like eating afterwards or snacking shortly after the meal. It’s a simple and effective way to control your appetite and lose weight. Also, eat soup for dinner. It contains a lot of water in addition to the fibre from the vegetables, and that’s what will help you feel full quickly. It is also very low in calories. For a light dinner, you can accompany the soup with protein (a little fish, eggs, a slice of ham…) Also, always have fruit for dessert, as it is very low in calories unlike ice cream and cake while fighting the craving for sugar. But no matter what trick you choose to lose weight, know that any diet will not work without a healthy and balanced diet and regular sports activities.